As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, Move Management Group is committed to safely serving your customers.
We are currently open and accepting orders!
We have providers conducting visual surveys nationwide!
If you'd rather a video survey instead of an in-home, rest assured we have the best team of video surveyors in the industry! All surveys are done via a live video feed with the customer and a seasoned surveyor, no call centers. You will be provided a cube sheet that includes access, bulky articles, crating, weight and packing. We will include photos of items needing special services as well. You also have the option to have the survey recorded and saved!
Box Pickups Debris Pickups Box Pick Up Box Pickup Debris Pick Up Debris Pickup Box Pick Ups Debris Pick Ups Visual Survey Relocation Survey Moving Survey Video Survey Phone Survey Visual Surveys Relocation Surveys Moving Surveys Video Surveys Phone Survey Transit Damage Review QC Check Quality Control Check Nationwide USA US Third Party Mover Moving Relocation Service Carton Delivery Box Delivery Moving Boxes Moving Cartons Move Management Group Managemove Move Management Services Manage Move Moving Training Mover Training movemanagement move management move management inc Moving Training Training Video Training Videos Virtual Moving Virtual Survey Moving Management Moving Company Training Movers Training Professional Moving Training Moving Management Moving Boxes Move Manager AMSA IAM CAM Boxcycle Third Party Moving Services Moving Vendor Moving Survey Video Moving Survey Moving Concierge Services Virtual Survey Virtual Moving Survey Move Management Solution Move Group Junk Removal MMG Pre Move Survey Carton Supplies